
Archive for April, 2010

The good oil

April 6, 2010 Leave a comment

Oil was to be avoided all through my teenage years; every foaming facial wash promised to banish excess oil from my skin.

Them, oil was the bad guy in cooking, with a swift spray of the cooking oil spray giving one Point of Weight Watchers allowance.

Now, of course, we know just how good, “good oils” are. Skincare brands are embracing botanic oils in some beautiful new products. Itchiness, redness, flaking or feeling uncomfortable in your own skin is a sure sign that something’s got to give.

Whether it is stress, pressure or a traumatic situation, your skin is normally the first place to reveal that it is seriously unhappy. Read more…

Categories: General Information

Woman’s Skin Care Regimen Can Be Found In Berries

April 5, 2010 Leave a comment

A new study has found that an antioxidant present in berries could help fight skin damage due to ultraviolet (UV) rays.  So, the latest beauty cream that can be added in a woman’s skin care regimen can be found in berries.

Using a topical application of the antioxidant ellagic acid, researchers at Hallym University in the Republic of Korea markedly prevented collagen destruction and inflammatory response, major causes of wrinkles, in both human skin cells and the sensitive skin of hairless mice following continuing exposure to UV-B, the sun’s skin-damaging ultraviolet radioactive rays. Read more…

Categories: General Information

Triona’s Beauty Tips

April 5, 2010 Leave a comment

Triona McCarthy comes up smelling of flowers of all descriptions as she uses her pretty nose to select the best scents for summer. Our petal princess also has some credit-crunching tips on fragrancing your home for free.

Ooh, don’t you love this time of year with the warmer weather approaching? I always think it’s a good time to change your scent.   I Cult product  Let’s face it; us girls don’t have it quite as easy as men when it comes to the ageing process. Read more…

Categories: General Information

Hair colour gets healthy

April 5, 2010 Leave a comment

I try out Organic Colour Systems hair colour as an healthy alternative to chemical hair dye- perfect for those who prefer not to use chemical permanent dye for a variety of reasons, particularly if they are pregnant, have had illness or prefer using organics for their diet and want to extend that to their skin and hair care.

Morgan, originally from Vancouver, greets me at HUE in Ponsonby and talks me through the Organic Colour System process in a one on one consultation to ascertain exactly what colour I want and what my expectations are of the colour. She advised that organic colours have some limitations; the processing time is longer – at 45 minutes- and is under a heat diffusing lamp. Read more…

Categories: General Information

Home-made tips for beautiful Hands

April 4, 2010 Leave a comment

Hands are the very imperative part of your personality, as you look at the hands of the person talking to you after face. So, it is very necessary to keep your hands beautiful and clean. Beautiful hands simply add grace to your personality.

We will tell you some essential & easy home-made tips for keeping your hands as soft and attractive as you desired for. There are so many home-made lotions and creams that you can make easily for the softness of your hands. Like the mixer of glycerin, rose water, and lemon drops can be the best lotion for keeping your hands soft like rose petals. Read more…

Categories: General Information