Home > General Information > Plano-based Rene Rouleau Skin Care’s makeover pays off

Plano-based Rene Rouleau Skin Care’s makeover pays off

Luxuries like facials and fancy lotion often disappear as consumers tighten their purse strings, but Renée Rouleau is finding just the opposite. Looking ahead, she expanded her skin care business despite the economy.

“For so long, I was just maintaining,” Rouleau said. “I’m ready to kick it up a notch.” She always dreamed of owning a salon like her grandmother did. Rouleau opened her first skin care salon at 21 in Massachusetts. She moved here in 1996, opening in Plano.

Last year, Rouleau opened a second salon in Dallas, redesigned her skin care product line and built a warehouse. Rent at Dallas’ tony One Arts Plaza is high, but she reduced other expenses. Staffing is minimal: A home-based concierge handles bookings, and building security lets in clients who are met by Rouleau or an employee.

The exclusive location and by-appointment-only service is a big hit with celebrity clients such as actress Lisa Rinna.  Last year was a milestone year. Revenue for the 12-employee Renée Rouleau Skin Care rose 35 percent to $1 million, and the company profited, Rouleau said. Through April this year, revenue was up 12 percent.

Rouleau doesn’t advertise. Instead, she hired a marketing firm to get her products mentioned in magazines such as Allure and Lucky. “She’s done a really good job of getting her name out there,” said Dallas business consultant Greg Bustin. “She’s in 10 national fashion magazines.”

Rouleau develops three or four products a year. Prices range from $17.50 for lip balm to $450 for a skin care kit. These days, she’s focused on her burgeoning online empire. She sells more than 70 products based on nine skin types. Last month, she unveiled a new Web site with a blog.

The economy has hurt spa services this year – revenue fell 6 percent through April – but online product sales have more than doubled to account for nearly half of all revenue.  For Rouleau, work and life are intertwined. Last year, husband Florian Oger joined her to manage online sales.

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